Activity report

National Workshop: Unlocking finance to support climate and clean air solutions in India

This is a report from Prof. Sachiko Hayashida on the international workshop held in Delhi on 8-9 August.
“National Workshop on Unlocking Finance to Support Climate and Clean Air Solutions in India
Date & venue: 8-9 August 2024, India Habitat Center, New Delhi”

Details of the international workshop are available on the website:
National Workshop: Unlocking finance to support climate and clean air solutions in India
View Concept Note & Agenda:
Asia Pacific low carbon lifestyle accelerator

As the press release states, the conference was to pave the way for funding to improve air pollution.

The workshop focused on addressing this funding gap by exploring potential mechanisms, with a special emphasis on climate finance as a largely untapped resource. The event encouraged cross- sector collaboration to drive air quality improvements, offering both health and economic benefits…

From our Aakash project, Prof. Hayashida gave two presentations in the following sessions.
Session: Data Matters – Atmospheric Environment Network
Session: Technology Matters – Available technology solutions

The session Data Matters discussed the importance of LCS-based observations, and Shibata Science introduced the sensors developed by Prof. Matsumi and Panasonic.
At the session Technology Matters, Prof. Hayashida appealed TROMSO technology, which turns rice straw into pellets for use as solid fuel, to provide co-benefits with reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and clean air.

Surprisingly, the main theme of the session organised by Ms Tanaka (ESCAP) was rice straw burning in Punjab, and the topic of rice straw burning in Punjab was repeatedly discussed also in other sessions.
Session: Perspectives on solutions to address emissions from open burning of agricultural crop residues and future sustainability.
Moderator: Ms. Mikiko Tanaka, Director, Subregional Office for South and South-West Asia, ESCAP

According to Prof Hayashida, the issue of rice straw burning in the Punjab is recognised as an important air pollution issue in India and many people have taken notice of Aakash’s activities.

Session: Data Matters
Session: Technology Matters

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