Activity report

 Aakash Project Final Report 

Based on observations and field surveys the northwestern region of India, the Aakash Project began with preliminary research in 2018 and full-scale research in 2020. The project has scientifically verified the relationship between large-scale rice straw burning in Punjab and Haryana, and the severe air pollution in the Delhi national capital region. We have explored ways to change people’s behavior to reduce or even eliminate rice straw burning, while transitioning to sustainable agriculture, and strive to enable people to live healthy lives in clean air. As the project concludes in March 2025, we have published a final report summarizing some of the key results.



Aakash project, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN)
457-4 Motoyama, Kamigamo, Kita-ku, Kyoto, 603-8047 JAPAN

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