
National Workshop: Unlocking finance to support climate and clean air solutions in India

This time, together with UNEP ROAP, MOE Japan is going to organize another WS (National Workshop: Unlocking finance to support climate and clean air solutions in India(8-9th Aug 2024)) aiming to convene experts and stakeholders to explore innovative sector-specific solutions for mitigating air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions and discuss opportunities to increase finance for these solutions. This event is jointly organized by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), National Productivity Centre (NPC), Massive Earth Foundation (MEF), and United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia Pacific (UNESCAP) .

On the second day of the event, Friday, 9 August, Prof Sachiko Hayashida will present the results of the Aakash project in the session ‘Data Matters – Atmospheric Environment Network’ and the session ‘Technical Matters: Available Technology Solutions.’
Professor Vatta (PAU), an  Aakash member, will also speak in the session ‘Life Matters – Unlocking Finance by introducing Multiple Benefit Approach’.

For more information, including the agenda and how to register, please visit this link.  



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